BCE: background color erase

Brian McKee brian.mckee at gmail.com
Wed Dec 31 14:00:42 UTC 2008

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 3:10 AM, frank <ls199mp1505 at shaped.dsl.eca.co.za> wrote:
> Ubuntu 8.10, text console, no terminal window involved.
> Text mode applications fail with BCE (background color erase). An
> editor with blue background will have blue background on text and
> black background on empty space. A line of text reaching to the
> middle of window will be blue on the left side and black on the right
> side.
> That happens with or without framebuffer. It does NOT happen with
> Ubuntu 7.10 on the same machine.

Did they switch from getty to mingetty in there somewhere?  Just a
random thought...
I know the console emulation in later versions of Ubuntu doesn't
handle some text applications as well as my old Red Hat boxes do and
I've never quite figured out why - termcap or something, never dug far
enough into it to figure it out.


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