Simple .gif editor

Ray Parrish crp at
Wed Dec 31 02:15:05 UTC 2008

Chris Mohler wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 4:50 AM, Manish Sinha
> < at> wrote:
>> One more caveat: PNG image size is always bigger than JPG or GIF but
>> quality is always superior.
> That's a valid point - it depends on the number of colors used and
> what sort of image (photo, line art, etc) you're saving.  PNG files
> wont *always* be larger though - but they tend to be, esp for
> photographic images.  pngcrush (in the repos) is a nice tool to help
> optimize PNG files for the web.
> Chris
I'm glad to see the added information in this thread. I've just spent 
several hours reading the online manual for Gimp. The writer of the doc 
appears to have a native language of French, and there are many spelling 
and grammar errors, but for the most part it is decipherable, and I've 
learned a lot, and even applied it to making a new logo for my Ray's 
Links site.

His advanced tutorials do fall a little short on the point of 
understandability 'though, so I'm hoping the Grokking the Gimp book I 
installed from Synaptic can help in that regard.

Later, Ray Parrish

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