Windows / Ubumtu

Joseph ragweed at
Mon Dec 29 18:43:17 UTC 2008

I had Ubuntu Hardy Heron on a partition on my hard drive.  I wanted to 
remove it and that particular partition so I could restore the drive to 
it's 500Gb origins, because there were some complications with them both 
on the same drive.

I used the Ubuntu Disk and loaded (not install) Ubuntu and went into the 
partition manager and removed the E: drive (partition) and then enlarged 
the C: drive to almost 500Gb.  About 10 Gb is the drive restore 
partition.  This is what it should be.

In Ubuntu, it's indeed nearly 500Gb, but when I reboot Windows Vista 
Home Premium, it still only shows the small restore partition and the 
old 250Gb C: drive.  Why doesn't Windows "see" the approx 490Gb?  How 
can I GET it to see that?

THEN after that's all done, I want to put Ubuntu on a separate drive for 
this computer....   becuase I STILL like Ubuntu and I think the 8.04 
version has cured some of my video problems.




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