Pixart Imaging photo keychain device 093a:020f

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 30 04:46:46 UTC 2008

On 12/24/2008 04:33 PM, NoOp wrote:
> Anyone know how to get one of these things to mount?
> photoviewer USB device identified as Pixart Imaging, Inc. with
> identification number 093a:020f
> Shows up via lsusb:
> Bus 005 Device 002: ID 093a:020f Pixart Imaging, Inc.
> But beyond that nothing. Had a look here & it doesn't look too promising:
> http://timendus.student.utwente.nl/~fail/wiki/index.php/Photoviewer
> I'm wondering if perhaps it might be added to the f-spot camera
> definitions to have f-spot think it's a camera.
> Note: It's a holiday present wife bought for herself... from me of
> course (that's the beauty of not having to shop after many years of
> marriage :-), so I'm expected to add a few photos onto it so that when
> she opens it she'll be 'surprised'. I reckon that I can dual boot into
> XP to run the included mini-CD and do it in time, but figure that
> 'others' might also have these devices & eventually want to use
> linux/Ubuntu to use them. So, if anyone has gotten one to work via linux
> I'd appreciate knowing how to do it.

Nobody? I'm surprised as these things seem to be pretty common.

Added links:
[Getting a digital photo album to work]
[Tao 1.4" Digital Picture Key Chain]

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