no sound in totem while playing home dvd (intrepid)

H.S. hs.samix at
Tue Dec 30 03:00:05 UTC 2008

Karl F. Larsen wrote:

>     Since you have VLC working well why do you care if Totem even works? 
> I remove Totem from all my systems.

It is not that simple. The reason I asked was that I need to give very
simple instructions to a user on how to play a DVD. To do so, I wanted
to see how it works in Ubuntu myself. The idea is to let the user use
the simplest default stuff to do the work.

Now, having said that, the fact that I can use VLC does not mean that
Totem problem should be ignored. The reason I mentioned VLC was to prove
that sound otherwise works alright. VLC has some problems of its own
while playing a dvd from a device, but that is OT in this thread.

Hope you understand the scenario. Sigh.


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