Extended informations for pictures in Konqueror

jdd jdd at dodin.org
Mon Dec 29 19:34:20 UTC 2008

Amichai Rotman a écrit :
> Hello All,
> I tried asking the digikam mailing list but got no answer at all, so I
> am trying my luck here:
> I'd like to be able to see the tags I attach to a specific image file
> using DigiKam while browsing files with  Konqueror, under the thumbnail
> image.
> Is there a way to do it?
> My goal is to manipulate the images according to the tags attached
> without the need for DigiKam.

it was possible in Konqueror with old kde3, but seems to not be
anymore possible in kde4

you can use exif utilities to sort this (I used this some time ago



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