Trying to use uppercase names in Postfix.

Markus Hitter mah at
Mon Dec 29 17:54:34 UTC 2008

Am 29.12.2008 um 18:24 schrieb Xn Nooby:

> I am using Postfix to replace an existing  email system, and I am
> inheriting usernames that are in uppercase. Apparently Postfix
> converts all email addresses to lowercase, so I cannot receive mail to
> the accounts that are in uppercase. This surprised me, because the
> linux user accounts are in uppercase.

While Email adresses are case insensitive (jim123 at ist the  
same as jim123 at Gmail.COM), Unix/Linux user accounts are case  
sensitive. JIM123 ist allowed as well as Jim123 or jim123, but those  
three are three different user names.

Now, postfix' behaviour might be intentional, because I've never seen  
an Unix or Linux username containing upper case characters[1], but on  
how to fix ot how to work around the mismatch you observed I'd  
suggest visiting a postfix mailing list.


[1] please don't confuse this with a user's real name which is stored  
in /etc/passwd as well and contains upper case characters as well as  

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter

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