Help! Anybody got pctv 800i working on Intrepid

Mike Adolf mlnx at
Mon Dec 29 15:55:50 UTC 2008

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Mike Adolf wrote:
>> I have waited for the arrival of Ubuntu 8.10 in hopes that my pctv 800i 
>> tuner would work.  Reading the various mail lists assured me it would 
>> never work on 8.04, something about the alsa kernel modules screwed up 
>> or left out. After moving to Intrepid, I downloaded and installed the 
>> tuner firmware to lib/firmware/<kernel> as was recommended on mythtv 
>> site.  I was very excited when TVtime showed a crisp picture, but I was 
>> brought back to Ubuntu reality when the audio did not work.  All other 
>> audio on my system works fine.  What is so different about a tuner that 
>> makes it so hard to get working? Extremely frustrating!  Of course it 
>> works on Windows.  Most of what I read on the lists was out dated 
>> relative to tv on Intrepid.  I'm not trying to get mythtv to work.  I 
>> just want the turner to work. Does anyone have any ideas?
>> Mike
>     I found the sound to be bad on Intrepid until you get all the 
> updates. Get the updates.
> Karl
Thanks Karl

My system is up to date and all other audio apps work great. It is just 
something about Ubuntu/Linux and tuners, they don't work very well together.


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