Window/ubuntu crash

Gilles Gravier gilles at
Mon Dec 29 10:38:32 UTC 2008


Markus Hitter wrote:
> Am 29.12.2008 um 02:36 schrieb elmo:
>> Windows should be installed and working before installing a Linux.
> Excuse me? It's perfectly fine to install Linux on a fresh, blank  
> hard disk.

Actually, if you PLAN for a DUAL-BOOT system, install Windows FIRST...
Because if you install Windows AFTER Linux, the Windows installer will
wipe the MBR and you will have to re-write an MBR... it's a hassle.
Windows tends to behave as if it were the only OS on the machine and
expects to be able to wipe what it wants... Linux does a better job of
keeping an existing OS in a bootable state by installing GRUB and
creating multi-boot entries for you automatically.


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