Opera crashing: segfault

Wade Smart wadesmart at gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 18:03:46 UTC 2008

Wade Smart wrote:
> 20081228 1152 GMT-5
> I was just watching a MSNBC video and Opera crashed. I looked in 
> /var/log/messages and I have this error:
> Dec 28 11:51:52 wadesmart kernel: [  433.577174] opera[7331]: segfault 
> at 00000000 eip 086de6fe esp bf8556a0 error 4
> How do I recover from that?
> Wade

20081228 1202 GMT-5

I ran Opera from the cmd line and got this error:
wadesmart at wadesmart:~$ opera
QSettings: failed to open file '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc'
Segmentation fault

So I went to that file and opened it:
lib/kde3/plugins/styles/plastik.so=30306^e3^ei686 Linux g++-4.* 
lib/qt3/plugins/imageformats/libqmng.so=30300^e3^ei686 Linux g++-4.* 
lib/qt3/plugins/inputmethods/libqimsw-multi.so=30300^e3^ei686 Linux 
g++-4.* full-config^e2008-04-09T11:28:44^e
lib/qt3/plugins/inputmethods/libqimsw-none.so=30300^e3^ei686 Linux 
g++-4.* full-config^e2008-04-09T11:28:44^e
lib/qt3/plugins/inputmethods/libqsimple.so=30300^e3^ei686 Linux g++-4.* 
lib/qt3/plugins/inputmethods/libqxim.so=30300^e3^ei686 Linux g++-4.* 

That was what was in it.
So, is it saying something is wrong with the file?
Or what is in the file?


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Linux since June 2005

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