Intel845 resolution problem

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Dec 27 22:17:03 UTC 2008

On 12/23/2008 11:25 PM, Shiva Chikkalli wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the help. I had done the fonts adjustment and also the refresh
> cycle. It had improved a lot. My screen is quite reasonable and no much
> issue except, I want to see the screen as good as Windows. I am using
> "SyncMaster 793s".
> As suggested, I feel going back to UBUNTU8.04 would be a better idea if it
> helps me substantially improvement in screen resolution.
> *Please, please let me know what is the better way to downgrade the Ubuntu,
> I mean the procedure..*
> regards
> Shiva

The only way that I know of to 'downgrade' to 8.04.1 would be to
reinstall. However, I have a system with an i845 with hardy on it, so I
used displayconfig-gtk to generate an xorg.conf file for your monitor
(see attached). Quite honestly I do not know how/if it will work with
Intrepid as I blew out the only Intrepid install that I had and haven't
gotten around to reinstalling 8.10 yet.

You can try this xorg.conf and see if it improves your screen. However,
first backup your existing xorg.conf:

$ sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.confbackup

Now copy the attached xorg.conf in it's place:

$ sudo cp /<locationwhereyousavedit>/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Now log out and then log back in & check your screen.  Note: if you run
into issues with this xorg.conf; reboot and select the recovery option.
When that comes up, select the xfix option, let it run and then select
the first option to continue to boot normally. That will rewrite a
default xorg.conf over the Syncmaster xorg.conf. You can then restore
your backup if you wish:

$ sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.confbackup /etc/X11/xorg.conf

and you should be back to where you started.

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