MicroSD card mounts read-only

Joe Morthland joe.morthland at seattle-network.com
Fri Dec 26 09:17:39 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-12-26 at 09:41 +0100, darkweasel wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I recently (for Christmas) got a new 2GB MicroSD card and an adapter for 
> it to use it with my SD card slot - in order to be able to transfer 
> music from my computer to my Nokia 5300.
> However, no matter if I insert the new MicroSD card or the old 256MB one 
> that came with my mobile phone, Ubuntu says it's read-only and doesn't 
> let me transfer music to it. I already asked at the German support forum 
> ubuntuusers.de but didn't receive an answer there.
> Thanks in advance.

By chance do you have the SD card locked? There is a slider on the side
to lock the SD card. Hope that helps some.

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