GNUCash question - duplicates

Steve Lamb grey at
Fri Dec 26 08:05:00 UTC 2008

Knapp wrote:
> This being a nice list you might get the answer you need but I bet you
> would have a much better chance on the GNUCash list.

    That may be true but so far searches of the list archives have shown up
nothing.  It's not so important an issue for me to sign up for another mailing
list to get the answer.  I just wanted to double check my research by asking a
fairly competent audience if they have heard of how to do it.  If they (this
list) have not then I'm reasonably sure it is not worth my time to dig any

    Last night I spent about an hour working on 3 months of imports across my
3 accounts.  Since I only transfer from one account (A) to either of the other
two (B, C) and they never transfer between one another it was a simple matter
of assigning the transfers in accounts B and C as coming from/going to A and
then deleting the duplicate transactions in A.  That portion of the process
took all of about 8-9 minutes.  So while it would be nice unless it turns up
in a FAQ I missed, not worth the 10-20 minutes to go digging for it when, at
most, it'll cost me 1m every month from here on out.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I am not a nice man... see link...
|      |

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