Ubuntu live cd display question

Anthony M. Rasat anthony.rasat at gmail.com
Wed Dec 24 21:12:45 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:

>Anthony M. Rasat wrote:
>> Reading your mail domain, it is best I think that you contact Mark and his
>> team. You can reach him at:
>> mark at ubuntu.com
>Huh?  Why would you even expect Mark to know the answer?  
>That's like suggesting somebody contact Linux Torvalds 
>about a kernel driver problem.

If I remember correctly back to old DOS days, Int 10h as original poster mentioned is a video mode call in Assembler. 

Also if I assume correctly, the original poster working or developing something for Via (the chip company) but maybe not necessarily a Linux. I was hoping they change their mind if they contact Ubuntu developer team or Canonical in that matter.

Oh, about thread thingy, I'm using blackberry. Not exactly sure why Reply button didn't follow thread.



Anthony M. Rasat
Manager - Technical, Network and Support Division
PT. Jawa Pos National Network
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