Sound sometimes stops playing in hardy

tchomby tchomby at
Wed Dec 24 20:32:35 UTC 2008

Thanks, I've killed pulseaudio and set everything to alsa as
suggested, sound works right now but since the problem is/was
intermittent I won't know for a while whether or not it has gone.
Seems likely though. I didn't actually uninstall the pulseaudio
package, but changing all the sound prefs should do it I think. Lets

On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 9:17 PM, NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:
> I've uninstalled pulseaudio in hardy, but these may be of help otherwise:
> [Still No Sound for 8.04 and 8.10 on Dell 1420]
> [Dell Studio no sound Ubuntu 8.10]
> While they are 'Dell' titled, the common suggestion in both should work
> for your Thinkpad as well:
> ====
> sudo killall pulseaudio
> sudo alsa force-reload
> and them go to System>Preferences>Sound and change everything to ALSA
> ====

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