dmesg question

Evuraan::ഏവൂരാന്‍ evuraan at
Fri Dec 19 18:19:13 UTC 2008


as for the "fancy" cursive script, Loïc is correct, it is malayalam, a
LTR (left-to-right) indic language.  Derek, your mail setup does not
parse UTF-8 headers well enough, hence it appeared odd. Anyways,
thanks, you guys..!

2008/12/18 Brian McKee <brian.mckee at>:
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 7:34 PM, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
>> =?UTF-8?Q?Evuraan::?= =?UTF-8?Q?=E0=B4=8F=E0=B4=B5=E0=B5=82=E0=B4=B0?=
>> =?UTF-8?Q?=E0=B4=BE=E0=B4=A8=E0=B5=8D=E2=80=8D_?= wrote:
>> (some pretty odd encoding, there...)
> Looks fine in Gmail - kinda cool cursive script that I'm guessing is
> right to left...
>>> What does the 1st field in dmesg output or (/var/log/dmesg) tell?
>>> $ dmesg|awk {'print $1'} | tail -5
>>> [21703.032000]
>>> [21703.044000]
>>> [21703.048000]
>>> [21703.048000]
>>> [21703.060000]
>> It's a timestamp, though I can't say how it is to be interpreted.
> I wondered myself about that - I did some googling and all I came up
> with was this post
> that says it's
> seconds since boot to 6 decimal places but doesn't have any links to
> backing material.  And, his own message seems to indicate there's more
> to it than that.  If anybody has more info I'd be interested too.
> Brian
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