set -o vi off by one char in bash.
Martin McCormick
martin at
Wed Dec 17 19:20:14 UTC 2008
This is an odd problem, but very annoying. set -o vi
when issued to bash lets one use vi-style editing on any
commands that are in your history. I discovered today that it's
not working quite right in that where I think I am appears to
actually be 1 space to the right of where I actually am.
Inserting characters is confusing because one tends to
cause the insertion at the wrong point and fixing it just gets
crazy. If I really got comfortable compensating for this, I
could probably never use vi on another UNIX system again unless
it was exhibiting the same behavior. If one presses Escape to
start an edit the echoed characters on most systems start from
the first one in the command. On this system, I can't backspace
far enough left to get that first character and it all starts
from the second character. Any ideas on why this might be?
I work with several other Debian and FreeBSD systems all
day and some of them exhibit oddities of their own, but this new
installation of ubuntu-server is the only one where the command
editing behaves like this. The actual vi program appears to work
Thanks for any ideas and a slight apology to be asking
so many weird questions. I am not new to UNIX and have used
Debian for many years but I haven't seem a problem quite like
this. I was working on a command syntax problem and the -o vi
flag would have been as good as gold today had it worked.
I use vt100 emulation and something must be defined
differently, here.
Martin McCormick
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