Ubuntu on a stick

Neil Cherry ncherry at linuxha.com
Tue Dec 16 19:33:13 UTC 2008

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Albert Charron wrote:
>> Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>>>> Albert Charron wrote:
>>>>> And again, what was the technical question???
>        snip
>     I can't solve this problem. Since you all are experts this simple 
> problem should cause no problem. I did Google it too.
>     I have the software working well if the software your loading to the 
> USB memory stick is on your hard drive or your willing to wait several 
> hours for the software to d/l the desired software package from the 
> Ubuntu server it works.
>     My QUESTION is: How do you put the software on a cd-rom on the USB 
> stick? I have tried /media/cdrom0 and even got it to put one folder on 
> the stick. But can find no way to put the entire LiveCD-Rom on the 
> stick. Do you need to strip it off the CD to your hard drive?

Ah, a question!

The short of it (lacks exact details, I can post them to the list
but I'm hoping this is enough):

Here's what I did, I downloaded the ISO image to my PC (I'm guessing
you can let Unetbootin do this for you), then using Unetbootin told it
to install the image onto my preformatted USB stick (2G). You then
need to unmount the stick. Set the boot flag using fdisk or parted.

I was then able to create a bootable USB stick. Oh you don't need to
reboot when Unetbootin asks if you are using the stick on another

Now having said that, I can't get use the stick to load Ubuntu (Server)
on a second machine. There is a problem in that the image doesn't have
the ext2 or ext3 drives, it does have vfat and ISO. When I tried to
load using vfat I found that because of a few links parts of the image
didn't copy. Once I fixed that I found that there is a restricted driver
that doesn't work (grr). I'll work on this as it could be a bad image
or something else.

Linux Home Automation         Neil Cherry       ncherry at linuxha.com
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http://linuxha.blogspot.com/                    My HA Blog
Author of:    	Linux Smart Homes For Dummies

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