Simple sound system testing, is there a utulity to do this?

H.S. hs.samix at
Tue Dec 16 19:00:12 UTC 2008

Chris G wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 10:44:18AM -0500, H.S. wrote:
>> Chris G wrote:
>>> I want to see if the sound is working OK on my system, is there
>>> anything in ubuntu (well, xubuntu actually) that provides something like
>>> Window's Control Panel "Sounds and Audio Devices" where you can test
>>> and change the various system sounds as well as configure things?
>> The easiest method is perhaps to go to Preferences->Sound and try out
> I don't think xubuntu has that.  The xubuntu settings manager "Sound"
> icon just has boxes for turning inputs on and off.

Sorry, I missed that.

The other steps should work in any desktop environment. I think even in
console. You can play a file using aplay:
$> aplay /path/to/foo.wav

for example.



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