Ubuntu on a stick

Albert Charron albert at albertcharron.name
Tue Dec 16 16:08:26 UTC 2008

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>> Albert Charron wrote:
>>> And again, what was the technical question???
> <snip>You assume if I ask no question 
> the email is worthless. To you I ask? Are you so smart the use of a USB 
> memory stick to load Ubuntu is trivial?
> Karl
Maybe it's not trivial... But if I want to do it, I search on Google and 
find information on how to do it on blogs... Please, read again and 
again and read once more the subject of this mailing list: "Ubuntu user 
technical support, not for general discussions". Your original post Karl 
would have been ok on the list IF someone have asked the question on how 
to do it... Lately, you've become a real spammer to this list... Because 
of all that spam you send, people will start to ignore you and one day, 
you'll ask a valid question to the list, but nobody will answer... 
you'll be in everyone's killfile...

I agree with you on one point, it's good to share the knowledge and the 
experiences with various configurations and products. But this mailing 
list isn't the proper medium for that...

  Albert Charron
  Linux Counter member #157482
  Registered computers: 387105, 387106

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