ubuntu live CD with Screen Reader not Starting

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 16 04:51:16 UTC 2008

On 12/15/2008 07:39 PM, Martin McCormick wrote:
> NoOp writes:
>> First off, you have issues with the graphics & 8.10 (is it 8.10 that you
>> are testing with - if not, you'll need to ensure that it is as 256MB
>> won't work with the liveCD and 8.04).
> #define DISKNAME  Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex" - Release i386
> #define TYPE  binary
> #define TYPEbinary  1
> #define ARCH  i386
> #define ARCHi386  1
> 	The memory issue makes perfect sense. I thought it would
> run under less, but slowly.
> 	It looks like ubuntu is great but just too big for this
> system.
> 	Thanks to you and  Karl F. Larsen for your prompt
> answers.
> Martin McCormick

Both hardy and intrepid will install on that system. Use the Alternate
CD rather than the liveCD (I do recommend hardy 8.04) and I think that
you'll find it to install without problems.

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