Selling Linux to Windows Users

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Dec 11 20:29:44 UTC 2008

Kjetil Halvorsen wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 15:59, Derek Broughton <news at>
> wrote:
>> Matthew Flaschen wrote:
>>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>>> Monopoly _is_ a low-life business act, which is why
>>>> even the heartl of capitalism, the USA, has laws against it
>>>> (toothless, true, but laws all the same).
>>> Actually, it's perfectly legal to have a monopoly,  as long as you
>>> don't commit ant-competitive acts to acquire or maintain it.
>> That's splitting hairs of the finest kind, since it's really
>> _difficult_ to have a monopoly without being anti-competitive.
> That is not splitting hairs. I prefer (in calculators) a calculator
> with reverse polish notation (RPN). Those are expensive because only
> HP makes them. But HP did nothing to monopolize the market,
> every maker is free to make RPN calculators.  Until they do, I
> will have to pay HP's heavy price.

Are you sure they did nothing to monopolize the market?   Microsoft 
doesn't do anything to prevent competition in their markets, either - 
they just buy out any company that _is_ providing competition.  In any 
case, I've _owned_ non-HP RPN calculators, so HP doesn't have a 

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