Install ubuntu next to Windows?

Nils Kassube kassube at
Thu Dec 11 18:06:37 UTC 2008

elmo wrote:
> I've been asked to install ubuntu in a computer that has a single hard
> drive and I'm not sure how to start.   I know it preferrable to have a
> separate hard drive but am not sure if installing in  a separate
> partition on the single hard drive that already  has Windows  will do
> the trick.  There's plenty of room on that single HD for another
> partition or two.  An external HD is not an option.

If it is Vista use the builtin tool to resize the Windows partition. If it 
is XP resize it during the installation from within Ubuntu. But whatever 
you do, make backups first - you may loose everything on the Windows 
partition when you resize it.

Another option would be to use Wubi and install Ubuntu within the Windows 
partition. That way you can avoid resizing the partiton. The disadvantage: 
Windows programs might in unintentionally damage your virtual Ubuntu disk 
file. You can start the installation by simply inserting the install CD 
while Windows is running. It will ask you where to install Ubuntu.


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