Freeze SO Linux, it's possible?

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Thu Dec 11 13:30:54 UTC 2008

Chris Mohler wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 4:36 PM, Bart Silverstrim
> <bsilver at> wrote:
>> Anthony M. Rasat wrote:
>>>> As a side note, no, I've never found similar-type software
>>>> for Linux to "Freeze" it despite looking around.
>>> What?
>>> Gimme tar and rc.local, I'll give it to you for free.
>> That's not *quite* the same as deep freeze...
> Yeah, that would be rsync and cron (with a healthy side of bash) ;)

Almost, except DF works invisibly and you aren't relying on timed 
snapshots that could become "infected" during a backup so your image is 
contaminated...with DF you only become infected if it happens during a 
thaw cycle.

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