Video Projector

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Thu Dec 11 13:01:17 UTC 2008

Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 1:19 AM, Richard Brown <rich at> wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I am just about to purchase a video projector and I have to admit I
>> can see no reason why a video projector wouldn't work with Ubuntu...
>> but just in case has anybody had any experienced of running a Ubuntu
>> set-up and a video projector. Has anybody any thoughts on what
>> projector to buy. I was looking at this:
>> <>
> I find it is MUCH easier if the resolution of your computer matches
> the resolution of your projector.  If they are different, especially
> if the projector is much lower in resolution, then it will look bad in
> Linux.
> Other posters have told you that this is not an operating system
> problem, but they are not exactly giving the full story. It is not a
> Linux kernel problem, but it IS a video driver problem, and there are
> differences across video drivers in the quality of support they have
> for video output.
> Newer cards and Ubuntu will support the xrandr extension, which allows
> you to interactively control the output on different devices. You can
> see if you have it enabled by opening a terminal and typing
> $ xrandr -q
> Screen 0: minimum 320 x 175, current 1400 x 1050, maximum 1400 x 1050
> default connected 1400x1050+0+0 0mm x 0mm
>    1400x1050      50.0*    51.0     52.0     53.0     54.0     55.0     56.0
>    1360x768       57.0     58.0
>    1280x1024      59.0     60.0     61.0
>    1280x960       62.0     63.0
> You can read xrandr help pages, but basically the idea is that when
> you plug in devices, they will show up in this listing as LCD1 or
> whatever, and then you can tell them to "turn on" with a command like
> this to turn on 2 outputs, the "default" and "VGA"
> xrandr --output  default --mode 1280x1024 --output VGA --mode 1024x768
>  It is a nice way to experiment, but I've not yet found a simple GUI
> controller for it that will work on all video devices.  Nvidia's
> proprietary driver supplies a program "nvidia-settings" that is
> somewhat like the MS Windows controller that can turn on and off the
> external monitors.  If that doesn't work, then you have to go old
> school and use the TwinView configuation in xorg.conf  if you have the
> Nvidia card.  On ATI cards, the output to the external device was
> different.
> If you could possibly test out the projector before you buy, you will
> be happier.  In almost all cases, I've found that I can get projectors
> to work, but on some of the old/crappy projectors we are assigned
> around the University, then there is trouble because the projector
> cannot take the high resolution, high speed of a newer laptop.  The
> mismatch may be attributed to the poor drivers available for some
> video cards in Linux. I wouldn't worry too much if you have a main
> brand video card like Intel, Nvidia, or ATI.  But if you have "Joes
> House of Electrons" in your system, then you should be cautious.  The
> video modes of the laptop's output are controlled by the video driver,
> and my experience is that the Linux drivers are not so well polished
> as the Windows drivers.  Maybe, since ATI and Intel are open to
> community involvement, it is getting better for them. But on my Nvidia
> systems, it's been an adventure. Luckily, Nvidia supplies a huge text
> README file with tons of details and they have a very lively linux
> forum where you can ask questions.
> pj
    Even my old 1995 laptop has a button that switches video to a 15 pin 
video plug which you plug the viewer into. I was working then and used 
Pentagon viewers and had 10 minutes to get it working. Then 152 stars 
walked in and expected to be briefed.

    I never failed to have a picture on the screen.


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