USB Serial RS-232 Converter Question

Martin McCormick martin at
Wed Dec 10 21:58:31 UTC 2008

	I have 2 USB RS-232 dongles that will be installed on a Ubuntu
system, one per USB port. I determined which one was ttyUSB0 by
trial and error, rebooted the system and it was still ttyUSB0.
That's a very good thing, but my question is, is it likely to
always boot up and assign the 2 dongles their tty numbers in the
same order?

	I am sure that if one removed ttyUSB0, the dongle that
is now ttyUSB1 would become ttyUSB0 on the next reboot.
Normally, they will be connected at all times and will be
connected to 2 different RS-232 streams. If there was a question
on reboot, I would need to figure out some strategy to make sure
each application got the right stream each time.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Telecommunications Services Group

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