Error Compiling C Code with Time and Date Functions solved.

Martin McCormick martin at
Wed Dec 10 03:39:28 UTC 2008

"Steve Flynn" writes:
> Without looking at your specifc issue (as you don't include the full
> error messages and output), have you installed the 'build-essential'
> package?

	I hadn't so I did. No change.

	All the fatal errors were the same thing, just on
different source line numbers as they occurred.

Carl Flippin writes:
> Your problem seems to be here. On my machine at lease, time.h is not
> in /usr/include/sys. It's in /usr/include. The struct you are making a
> pointer to above is not defined in sys/time.h. You need:
> #include <time.h>
> I do see the struct defined there. It is a part of libc6-dev.

	Thanks! that did it. I also had the same problem on a
couple of Debian etch-and-a-half systems but I seem to remember
it a long time back on Debian. It just wasn't an issue at the
time. Just for fun, I modified the code on one of the Debian
boxes and it compiled just fine there also.

	Many thanks to all who replied both on and off list.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Telecommunications Services Group

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