Selling Linux to Windows Users

Knapp magick.crow at
Tue Dec 9 19:13:27 UTC 2008

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 8:05 PM, Mark Haney <mhaney at> wrote:
> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Mark Haney wrote:
>>> So, having a sword is better than having a gun?  I mean, the sword
>>> came
>>> before guns.  And I do believe there was MASS adoption of the sword.
>> Not really.  A far larger percentage of Americans own guns than would
>> have ever owned swords in any civilization, and that's probably true of
>> the world in general.  The sword was rarely even the military weapon of
>> choice.
> That's my point.  It's not what came first.  It is what happens to be best.

First move is a great move, mess up and the competition will eat you for lunch.
To stay on top you must eat the other companies by killing or buying,
make yourself look cool with ads and have a product that people like
or at least think is cool or useful.

Douglas E Knapp

Amazon Gift Cards; let them choose!!

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