Selling Linux to Windows Users

Derek Broughton news at
Tue Dec 9 15:55:31 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:

> I don't care about that, I am an end user. I am not out to save to
> world. Sorry.

You should be.  We all have an obligation to our fellows...
>> Monopoly, and other low life business acts.
> Monopoly is not a low-life business act. It is the goal of every
> business.

I can't let that go.  Monopoly is NOT the goal of every business.  I 
have a business.  My _goal_ is to feed my family.  I would be thrilled 
if I could grow the business and feed a few other families, but it's not 
my primary goal.  Monopoly _is_ a low-life business act, which is why 
even the heartl of capitalism, the USA, has laws against it (toothless, 
true, but laws all the same).
>> Looking at the best software on the market, copy it,
>> extend it and drive the first maker out of business (legal
>> pragarisum).

> Just what FOSS devs would do to MS, no?

No.  There are some people who talk that way, but we all _know_ that 
FOSS is never going to monopolize a market, and when you think about it, 
it isn't even possible, because somebody will _always_ fork the code 
base to go in a different direction, which will be hated by some and 
loved by others.

>>> And what they would be missing as well.
>> Is that a trick question? Blue screen of death maybe or a game?
> Or engineering software, or printer support, or those extra mouse
> buttons, or that webcam, or that IE-only banking website. I could go
> one (others have).

The first is really irrelevant - users with specialized needs have always 
used specialized equipment.  Engineers buy the infrastructure that 
supports their tools, not vice versa.  Home users, otoh, buy systems and 
then throw software on them.  

Printer support is also largely immaterial - you could never expect to 
trade your PC for an Apple (at least in the old PPC days) and have the 
old printer work on it, and it's no different with Linux.  If the vendors 
sell working PCs with Linux on them, they'll get working printers with 
the package - there _are_ plenty to choose from.

Mouse buttons?  OK, I admit I've just started using a 5-button mouse 
with two dead buttons, but I'll be amazed if I can't actually make them 
do something.  

As for web-banking, I'd change banks if they were IE-only, no matter 
whether I was a Windows user or not.  I work in too many environments 
where I don't control the hardware _or_ software.

Which leaves webcams...  still a pita.

>>> And those who need those freedoms can use their FOSS programs on
>>> Windows. What freedom-giving Linux software does not run on Windows?


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