Selling Linux to Windows Users

Sambit Bikas Pal sambitbikaspal at
Tue Dec 9 15:46:48 UTC 2008

What is this fuss all about? Use whichever suits you the best. For me
Windoze stinks. For someone it may be the best thing ever to have
existed in the universe.

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 17:46, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at> wrote:

> If people are happy with Windows, why force them to move to Linux?
> Linux is not better, it is different. Would you like me to show you
> why Windows is better?

Sambit Bikas Pal
MS 3rd Year
Indian Institute Of Science Education & Research Kolkata,
HC 7, Sector-III Salt Lake, Kolkata-700106
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