Ubuntu on a stick - on a Nokia?

Anthony M. Rasat anthony.rasat at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 19:47:41 UTC 2008

Amichai Rotman wrote :
>Hello all,


>A friend of mine gave me an idea: install Linux on 
>the memory card of
my Nokia E71 and 
>use it as a  rescue system by connecting it to a PC
>via USB, like Pendrive.
>Any of you know if it's possible and can point me 
>to the right direction?

Sure. There is an application called Unetbootin that can do exactly that. Creating a bootable USB live from Ubuntu ISO file. It doesn't care that you are using Nokia phone as card reader, as long as it was accessible.

However, make sure:

1) You have at least 1GB free space in that memory card.
2) I don't remember Unetbootin format memory card before starting but don't take chances, save your data to another place before starting Unetbootin.
3) Also I think Unetbootin only wants FAT and FAT32 as partition.

Hope that helps. Happy Googling (that's should be easy).



Anthony M. Rasat
Manager - Technical, Network and Support Division
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