Printer Applet Menu Bar wont go away

Eric Vanderveer evanderv at
Mon Dec 8 14:18:46 UTC 2008

Hi all, I just recently upgraded to 8.10 along with KDE to 4.1.   I am
having 2 issues 1 is with VPN's and I am finding out that there is a
global issue and waiting for it to be fixed but my other issue is a
little harder to find while searching in google.  It looks like
printer-applet loads up and puts a menu bar at the top of my desktop,
well its not quite at the top its more like an inch down from the top.
It is rather annoying because when I maximize windows they stop right at
the bottom of the menu so I have this inch gap at the top of my screen.
I can't seem to close out the applet, do I need to have this running?
Can I stop it from loading at startup?  Any help would be appreciated.
Eric Vanderveer
IT Consultant 
Chowen and Associates
evanderv at

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