Epson Rx 610 in 64 bits?

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Mon Dec 8 02:34:57 UTC 2008

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 8:15 PM, Cesar Augusto Suarez <cemaaiem at> wrote:
> Im looking for a technique to install the Epson Rx610 on ubuntu, but it
> refers to a 32 bit edition.
> i tried to compilie som of the packages needed, but i got a mistake
> "cups-config not found"
> i've already installed cups (the multifunction is in windows environment),
> but i doent have this dependencie and i cant found it.
> Im using Intrepid 64

Look for a 'cups-dev' package - or cups packages in general that have
'-dev" on the end - these contain the development libraries...


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