libflashsupport, pulseaudio and hardy

Jonathan D. Armendariz jarmenda at
Sun Dec 7 19:41:41 UTC 2008

H.S. wrote:
> hello,
> I am having trouble getting flash content working properly in Hardy
> after setting up pulseaudio. The system sounds work, skype works and avi
> files also seem to work. However, I am not able to play BBC videos
> whereas youtube videos are working okay ... so far.
> It appears that the problem boils down to whether I should have
> libflashsupport installed. I saw a pulseaudio setup page
> which instructs to
> remove this library. However, there are other pulseaudio setup pages
> which suggest that this should be installed.

Personally I'm curious as to how you get YouTube (and in my case Pandora 
too) to play audio as I cannot (no sound whatsoever) yet I download as 
an FLV file and it works flawlessly. I was initially under the 
impression that either I was missing a file or it was a known bug.

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