
Wade Smart wadesmart at
Sun Dec 7 16:46:17 UTC 2008

Fawn wrote:
> There is no simply will not boot from the cd.
> It goes on to Windows. I have Window XP Pro.
> fawn

20081207 1043 GMT-5

So what you're saying is, you put the disk in, reboot and it still loads 
Windows but will not run the cd.

When the computer reboots watch the screen and it will say (example) 
push F12 for Bios. Whatever your button key is, push it. A dos screen 
will come up and you want to find your "boot order" and it will say 
something like  Hard drive, cdrom, floppy drive as the order. You can 
change that to CD to install ubuntu.


Registered Linux User: #480675
Linux since June 2005

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