Can't Navigate My LAN Or Ping

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Sun Dec 7 02:37:44 UTC 2008

--- On Sat, 12/6/08, NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:

> From: NoOp <glgxg at>
> Subject: Re: Can't Navigate My LAN Or Ping
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Date: Saturday, December 6, 2008, 7:48 PM
> On 12/06/2008 04:10 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > --- On Sat, 12/6/08, NoOp  wrote:
> > And it doesn't tell me much either except that
> I'm on line and have
> > been all day except for a couple of lost connections. 
> I then went to
> > gnome and things have been running a little smoother. 
> Thought you 
> > might like to hear that-:))
> OK, so I'm a little confused (not unusual):
> 1. The IWM (Intrepid Wireless Machine - I am too lazy to
> keep typing the
> full identifier - hence using 'IWM' previously) is
> actually your Gutsy
> Wireless Machine (GWM) and it's working with a fixed IP
> of
> when connected to the 2wire. Both ifconfig and iwconfig
> show that IP
> address on your GWM.
Either a little confused or too much vino and BBQ-:))
Lazy, wait til you get to be 71 and you'll know lazy intimately
yeah, my GWM is my GWM sitting in a room away from the
router with no wired connection on it now.  Karl may be right
that the router has to have a wired connection for the wireless
to access the router.  Do you reckon that?

> 2. You've verified that you are actually connected to,
> and talking to
> _your_ 2Wire & not some other open network within your
> range.
Hope you telling me that I am based on the info I posted and
not asking if I am.

> 3. You can connect to the internet & post here (I
> thought perhaps you'd
> been doing so via Windows instead of Ubuntu).
No windows on this machine.  It's slow enough on gutsy and
a small HDD also.  Yes, all done on this machine.  I was having
disconnects today until changing my wep key from restricted
to open.  I've been on gnome practically all afternoon and no
more disconnects.  Thanks for that.

> 4. You currently have no other machine connected to the
> network other
> than GWM to ping or test to/from. But the existing issue is
> that you
> can't get to the 2wire manager using a browser at
> or by
> is that correct? Also try:
> you'll need to enter the
> number on the bottom
> of the router/modem, but that should get you into the
> setup.
Absolutely correct anachronisms included.  I just tried out again as I haven't used it lately
and got the same error:
Firefox can't find the server at
Also with  It gives:
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
Anytime the gateway IP is entered into the address bar no matter
what follows it, it always errors and doesn't connect. 

> If it is, then your 2wire might actually not be set to
> 192.168.1.x. Try
> this; reset the GWM temporarily to DHCP (set it to roaming
> in Network
> Manager) 
Can do that and will as so many other have suggested.  Maybe
should also connect the wireles to the router hard wired as
suggested but I wont do so now unless you come back with
a quick reply.

& power the 2wire off/on as instructed
> previously so that it
> clears it's DHCP tables. Reconnect using the GWM and
> check the IP
> address that the device issues. Post back with the address.
Ah, you always use term I'm not sure of.  I guess you mean to
renew the lease but forget how as I never renew manually.
You could also mean reboot but you didn't say that and I
don't think that renews the lease.  I'll look at your last 2 replies
but don't remember anything about "instructed previously.
> If the DHCP address is in the -
> (reserved
> static IP) range then your 2Wire has been set back to
> it's default and
> is again issuing DHCP for the full -
> range.
Now I don't understand that at all.  I would expect to be in the range and up.  

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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