Right Place?

Sandy Harris sandyinchina at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 18:58:45 UTC 2008

Fawn <sleepingfawn at wildblue.net> wrote:

> I am not sure if I am in the right place or not.

Not exactly. This list is supposed to be for tech support
for Ubuntu users. But I think potential users qualify :-)

> I am
> thinking of using Linux. Your site was recommended
> to me. I have some questions before I download it.

Note that you can download a bootable "live" CD, boot
from that and have a running Linux system  without
changing anything on your hard drive. That will let
you see how you like it and discover any problems
there may be with Linux support for your hardware.
Such problems are usually soluble; do a web search
or ask here.

> Can I use MS compatible software with Linux?

In general, no. However, there are various solutions.

Wine supports running some Windows software on

You can set your computer up for dual (not duel!)
boot; choose between Linux & Windows whenever
you boot. Since Linux can read Windows file
systems, any work you do on one OS can be
imported to the other.

There are also virtual machine options; running
Windows as a process under Linux or vice versa.

Or just use Linux programs. Many of the major
Open Source software packages -- things like
Open Office (replaces MS Office) and GIMP,
GNU Image Manipulation Program -- have
Windows versions too. You can experiment
with those before changing over.

> Can I build webpages with dreamweaver using Linux?

Maybe using Wine or buying Dreamweaver for Linux.
I like Amaya: http://www.w3.org/Amaya/

> ... I am totally green/unexperienced with Linux.

I wrote something recently, on a discussion board for
foreigners in China, on reasons to switch. I'm not
sure you'd find it useful, but ...

Sandy Harris,
Quanzhou, Fujian, China

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