Brother/Ubuntu Issues

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Fri Dec 5 07:19:46 UTC 2008

--- On Thu, 12/4/08, NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:

> Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008, 12:17 PM
> On 12/04/2008 07:28 AM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > --- On Thu, 12/4/08, Lorenzo Luengo

> >> > Still trying to setup printer drivers for my
> mfc-490cw
> >> but ia32libs and lib32stdrc are not in the
> standard repo for
> >> 64 bit Intrepid but was in Hardy 64bit.
> >> Strange... I installed ia32libs just a few days
> ago! Make
> >> sure you have 
> >> all repositories enabled (main, restricted,
> universe,
> >> multiverse).
> > Hi Lorenzo. Yes, strange indeed. I just reviewed my
> sources.list and software sources again for the umpteenth
> time and find no errors. However, the way it's spread
> out over the entire file it's easy to overlook
> something. I do have ubuntu intrepid, intrepid-updates,
> intrepid-backports, intrepid partner, intrepid-security,
> intrepid-proposed and all seem to have main, restricted,
> universe and multiverse included. Even googled for
> "official ubuntu intrepid sources.list" and found
> and find nothing
> different. Must be missing something else, but don't
> know what. Thanks for you efforts.
> > 
> >> >  How can I get either of the above downloaded
> and
> >> installed. Any help appreciated.
> >> > Dont really want to go back to hardy.
Thankee, thankee, thankee for the links. Found the ia32libs download on the first link and wiil use it if I can't get apt to download from sources list.
But question is is the url the new deb mirror to put in my sources.list to update and install with?  Has the intrepid deb mirror changed for the ia32libs file? I took a quick look at the second link and didn't see an explanation why the standard sources.list wouldn't download and acknowledge the file. I can easily download and install the package, and will if necessary, but want to get intrepid sources.list correct.
Had to bring the 64bit machine to BestBuy for warranty repairs on the cpu fan and video card, so, it's going to be 2 weeks minimum before I can use the file to reinstall the printer and work on my share problem.  Darnit, just when I was having fun on Intrepid-:))  But anyway, will have all my ducks in place by then.
Thanks for the info.  Had me worried for a while.

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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