upgrading Gutsy to Hardy failed

Joep L. Blom jlblom at neuroweave.nl
Thu Dec 4 23:29:08 UTC 2008

Mario Vukelic schreef:
> On Thu, 2008-12-04 at 15:18 +0100, Joep L. Blom wrote:
>> Has anybody an idea how this can be solved?
>> Sorry for the long adn detailed mail.
> I won't touch it as long as I don't have what I requested :)
> On Mon, 2008-12-01 at 01:01 +0100, Mario Vukelic wrote:
>> Could you please attach the files /var/log/dist-upgrade*.log
>> and /etc/apt/sources.list? Thanks.
Sorry, Mario. I can attach it but it is rather long.
I tried to send them attached but the moderator cuts it as it is > 40kb.
Can I sent it off list?
The third one term.log is 0 bytes.
As I said the option Re-Instate is unknown to me.
Hope you can do something with it.

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