Cannot purge ndiswrapper

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Dec 4 00:57:20 UTC 2008

8.04.1 hardy w/2.6.24-22-generic

I installed ndiswrapper via Synaptic (ndiswrapper-common,
ndiswrapper-utils-1.9, ndisgtk) on a fresh install in an attempt to see
if I could get a WUSB11 2.8 wireless adapter to work with WPA. Didn't
work, so I went back to Synaptic and did the 'total remove'. That looked
like it did what it was supposed to... until I checked.

1. sudo updatedb - to make sure all updated
2. lsmod - I find ndiswrapper still installed under usbcore, so I 'sudo
modeprobe -r ndiswrapper' & check again - it's gone.
3. Unplug the WUSB11 and plug it back in... lsmod shows ndiswrapper pops
back up. dmesg|grep ndiswrapper does the same.

So, I reinstall, and this time remove using 'sudo apt-get purge
ndiswrapper-common ndisgtk' and it removes all three, but then tells me
gives me a dpkg waring that directory /etc/ndiswrapper not empty so not
removed. OK, I remove /etc/ndiswrapper, and reboot.

1b. Check lsmod without the WUSB11 plugged in; no ndiswrapper
2b. Plug in the WUSB11 and check lsmod again; sure enough it shows:

usbcore		146412	4 ndiswrapper,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd

3b. I check /etc/modules - no ndiswrapper there
4b. I updatedb again and do 'locate ndiswrapper' again; I find
/etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper - which has a bunch of alias' in it,
inlcuding the WUSB11: 1915:2233 do I comment out the '1915:2233' and
'sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper' again, and lo and behold the at76 driver
pops in in place of ndiswrapper (as it should):

usbcore		146412	4 at76_usb,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd

Unbelievable...this reminds me of the Windows days when you had to
modify the registry to eradicate Norton AV...

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