Wireless issues, but oddly the opposite of what you normallyhear....

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 3 04:43:38 UTC 2008

--- On Tue, 12/2/08, Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca> wrote:

> From: Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca>
> Subject: Re: Wireless issues, but oddly the opposite of what you normallyhear....
> To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 7:06 PM
> Mark Haney wrote:
> > Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> > 
> >>>
> >>> As soon as the B&B router came off Ch 13
> BOTH OS'es could then see
> >>> it and BOTH could then connect.
> >>>
> >>>   
> >>     And what I said the first time was:
> "There must be something
> >>     wrong
> >> with the B&B router". And you say this
> was right :-)
> >> 
> > No, there's nothing WRONG with the router. 
> It's just not configured
> > correctly.  There's a BIG difference there.  The
> router isn't BAD,
> > it's badly configured.
> I say it's BAD to the bone, and should be spanked.
> -- 
> derek
Damn, derek, I was gonna say, If the OP knows all that has been said on this thread, and it was too much, then why is this rant going own between Karl and Mark for so long.-:)) But, you stole all the thunder.

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net

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