Wireless issues, but oddly the opposite of what you normally hear....

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Dec 2 14:55:01 UTC 2008

Karl F. Larsen wrote:

>     This whole thing is a bag of worms. It has gone on enough! This
>     guy
> has ZERO WiFi problems. If there is no secret word his laptop works
> fine both Linux and Windows.
>     He has a problem with the secret coding or other crap that enters
> when you go from one country to another. This IS NOT A wireless issue.
> PERIOD :-)

Don't be a jerk (and sticking a smiley on the end of a sentence doesn't 
make it OK).  Of course, it's a wireless issue.  Not only that, but what 
evidence do you have that Steve's computer has _ever_ gone from one 
country to another?  (Or for that matter that if there was no password, 
it would work?)

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