Best E-Mail Client

(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando ubuntu at
Sun Aug 31 00:09:28 UTC 2008

Olá David e a todos.

On Saturday 16 August 2008 01:21:27 David McNally wrote:
> Hi Everyone.
> I'm looking for an email client that does everything that Microsoft Outlook
> does, and just as well (or better)
> I've tried Evolution, and, while it is good as an email client, it has
> problems with connecting to my Google Calender. I've also noticed some other
> problems with it.
> I've also tried Thunderbird, which is a fantastic email client, but it
> doesn't have a calender, which I do need.
> Needless to say, it must be open-source, and available in the Ubuntu repos.
> Thanks in advance,
> David

I use Kmail 1.10 from KDE 4.1, on Ubuntu (GNOME).
Its the best email client I've ever found (after mutt, of course).
From the rest of the KDEPIM Kontact you might find a useful calendar tool on Kalendar, but I dont use it, so I cant help you there.

BUGabundo  :o)
Linux user #443786    GPG key 1024D/A1784EBB
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ps. My emails tend to sound authority and aggressive. I'm sorry in advance. I'll try to be more assertive as time goes by...
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