Spurious applications on startup

Josh Holland jshholland at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 30 19:13:04 UTC 2008

Firstly, I'd like to state a few things about myself. I live in
Worcester, UK, am 16 years old, have been using Ubuntu for ?7 months and
in that time have learnt both Python and C++. I am really impressed by
everything, especially the way that it encourages the use of the CLI and
programming languages.

There is just one minor problem which, while in no way fatal, does
detract from the experience.

I set up a few programs to run on startup (such as a terminal, a little
"reminder.py" script I wrote myself and Rhythmbox/Banshee) using System
> Preferences > Sessions. But I decided to turn these off. But, whenever
I turn on the computer (an 18-month-old Dell Inspiron 1300 with 512 MB
RAM and 2.7 GHz ix86 processor) I get first my home folder opening,
followed by Banshee, even though the file browser was never on my
startup list, and I removed the Banshee entry. I appreciate all help

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