I am so lost with this program!!!!

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 17:44:48 UTC 2008

Larry Driver wrote:
> Please tell me how to install windows back to my system. I have 
> downloaded all kinds of stuff with ubuntu but getting it in "install" 
> is driving me insane! Can someone in plain english tell me how to 
> install windows back onto my system?????
Assuming you haven't been driven away by the brainless and insensitive 
comments by certain individuals on this list I'd like to try and help you.

Now, that you are posting here at all tells me you either have Ubuntu 
working or you've gone to the library and used one of their computers.  
The first thing I'd like to say is please give Ubuntu a chance.  Of all 
of the different distributions of Linux this one is the easiest for a 
new computer user to become accustomed to.

Now, I'm assuming you're having trouble installing software.  That's not 
a problem.  If you click on the Programs menu you'll see a icon called 
Add/Remove Programs.  This starts Synaptic Package Manager and with it 
you can install and uninstall programs for Ubuntu with just a few easy 
clicks.  You can also search for, download and install new software 
through this program and you never have to download anything manually.  
The download and installation of software through Synaptic is 
automated.  Once installed the programs show up under the Programs menu 
on the top panel.  They are organized into categories depending on what 
kind of program you installed.  If you absolutely need to download and 
install a program manually see if that program is available in a .deb 
Debian package.  Basically, this is similar to Windows Installer .msi 
files sometimes used in MS Windows for installing software, but this is 
the Linux equivalent.  Red Hat Linux uses a similar packaging scheme 
known as .rpm or RedHat Package Mananger packages.

If you could give me more information on what exactly you are having 
trouble with I'd be glad to assist you.  Again, please give Ubuntu a 
chance.  You'll be glad that you did.  Also, if you are talking about 
Windows software that you are trying to install on Ubuntu I can help 
with that also, but be advised that not everything for Windows works in 
Linux smoothly.  Some programs run flawlessly while others have 
problems.  Send me an email and I'll explain to you what WINE is, its 
what you need in order to run Windows programs in Linux.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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AIM: thezorch at gmail.com
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Free You Computer from the Tyranny of Microsoft www.ubuntu.com

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