Rutebook and a lot more

Knapp magick.crow at
Fri Aug 29 22:43:26 UTC 2008

> Possible, but how will they deal with a very quickly growing population
> of newbies with frequently bad manners, who were invited to _expect_
> competent help by such a prominent placement of IRC?

Bad manners are bad. What can I say?

> Again, how is this supposed to scale?

If Canonical want to support this as good P.R. then they can pay
people to help as they grow and make money. Perhaps it would support
it's self, other topics do.

Second, cut up the channels by subject with the first one being for
totally newbies that don't read about the other channels. It works for
Blender 3d that has like 5 channels or more in English and others in
other languages.

I could say a lot more but this is off the rutebook topic and more on
some IRC helping the newbies topic, as you pointed out.

Douglas E Knapp

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