Nautilus: loses/deletes FTP/network settings ?!

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Fri Aug 29 12:54:45 UTC 2008

Hi list,

I am using up to date Hardy and am having problems with Nautilus...

I have an account on a remote server. In order to access it from within
Nautilus, I went to File->Connect to Server, as per usual, and entered
the details of the FTP server. Nautilus added the network icon in the
Palces/side bar on the left, as expected, and I can browse the remote
files just fine.

The problem: when I restarted my computer, the network mount had
disappeared from Nautilus ! I had to re-mount it all over again.

Anybody experienced the same ??

It's quite annoying, have to install and add an extra program to do
basic FTP, when Nautilus is supposed to handle it just fine.

Feedback welcome :-)



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