I am so lost with this program!!!!

Pastor JW pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org
Fri Aug 29 03:41:01 UTC 2008

On Thursday 28 August 2008 07:42:35 pm Larry Driver wrote:
> Please tell me how to install windows back to my system. I have downloaded
> all kinds of stuff with ubuntu but getting it in "install" is driving me
> insane! Can someone in plain english tell me how to install windows back
> onto my system?????

I'm sorry but I can't understand the question.  Let's see, the name of this 
list is "ubuntu-users", and its email address 
is "ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com" and you want to put housing materials back 
onto your system?   Are you a contractor?  The wife is a whiz at making 
curtains, did 'em for the church!  Once you get your windows replaced, 
perhaps give her a call with the measurements and she'll give you a good deal 
on curtains to go with 'em.  

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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