Grub boot confusion

Mark Haney mhaney at
Thu Aug 28 20:45:45 UTC 2008

Keith Clark wrote:
> On my system, Ubuntu seems to have been updating just fine, but it was 
> modifying the wrong menu.lst grub file, as my computer was booting from 
> another drive.
> I finally discovered the problem and changed the boot order in my BIOS.  
> I was booting to kernal 2.6.24-16-generic.  Now I'm booting to kernal 
> 2.6.24-19-386.

> Any ways to correct these?

I am not sure I understand your setup.  You say you were updating just 
fine, but the system was updating the wrong menu.lst file?  Do you have 
/another/ Ubuntu install on this system?  I fail to see how you could 
have two otherwise.  I could be wrong on that though.  Is it possible 
that the new boot setup is booting to another Ubuntu instance altogether?

I need more info....

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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