Home acts like Desktop

Mike Adolf mlnx at mho.com
Thu Aug 28 02:30:43 UTC 2008

Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 15:31 -0600, Mike Adolf wrote:
>> I had several folders open on the desktop, moving them around so to see 
>> contents of each. When I closed most of the folders, I noticed that all 
>> my Home contents was now on the Desktop.  In short, now my Home folder 
>> is equivalent to my Desktop folder, which is no where to be found.  If I 
>> create a new folder on the desktop or in my home folder, it also appears 
>> in the other location.  I don't know what I did or what happened. Help!
> I don't know how this happened, but you should be able to set it back
> with gconf-editor:
>       * Press Alt+F2
>       * Type gconf-editor and press Enter
>       * In the tree on the left navigate to /apps/nautilus/preferences
>       * In the pane on the right find the key "desktop_is_home_dir".
>         Select it to see a description
>       * I expect this to be checked in your case. Uncheck it and you
>         should be back to normal
You were correct. The "desktop_is_home_dir" was checked. However, 
unchecking did not correct the problem. This must have happened when I 
was in gconf-editor earlier to set click to "single". That was my 
mistake because my laptop touch pad is too sensitive and things were 
happening out of control. But, nothing lost since I was just 
experimenting with an old laptop; I just reinstalled 8.0.4-1.

Thanks for your help.

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